My Practice

I am practicing at Tall Tree Integrated Health Centre in Victoria, BC. Tall Tree Health is Victoriaโ€™s award winning clinic and the clinicโ€™s philosophy roots in being caring, executing clinical excellence and having fun!

Initial consultations are 60 minutes long and it includes a comprehensive intake, a detailed review of concerns, medication and supplement review, past medical and family history, and discussion of lab tests to consider. At the end of the appointment we will discuss different treatment options and goals so that you leave with personalized and realistic first steps.


Monday : 2-8:30 pm

Wednesday & Thursday: 8- 2 am

To book an appointment you can:

  1. Call (250) 995- 0067

  2. Click the button below to access online booking

Treatment modalities

Lifelabs testing

Advanced Laboratory testing

Nutrition counselling

Herbal medicine

Bio-identical Hormone replacement therapy


intravenous nutrient therapy

pharmaceutical licensing

Intramuscular vitamin injections


Where is Tall Tree Integrated Health?



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